Mostafa Zamanian
Credentials: PhD
Position title: Assistant Professor
Phone: (608) 262-0311
205 Hanson Biomedical Sciences Building
1656 Linden Dr
Madison, WI 53706
- Lab
- Zamanian Lab
Focus Groups
Signal Transduction
Research Summary
Host-parasite interactions; Vector-borne parasites; Molecular helminthology; Parasite genomics; Drug discovery; Drug resistance; Receptor biology;
Research Detail
My laboratory is interested in identifying new drug targets to treat human and animal helminth infections, and in elucidating mechanisms of resistance to existing anti-parasitic drugs. We apply a range of molecular and bioinformatics approaches to guide our work on these fronts. Current projects in the lab include: 1) Discovery and characterization of parasite-specific receptors that are druggable and required for the transmission of mosquito-borne filarial parasites; 2) Identifying new genes and molecular mechanisms involved in nematode parasite drug resistance; and 3) Developing robust new tools for the manipulation and phenotyping of helminths and their vectors. For more detailed information about ongoing projects and opportunities in the lab, please contact us.