During your first year, implement your own individual development plan (IDP). IDPs will be reviewed at CMP Advisory Committee meetings and adjusted according to the trainee’s needs.
IDPs will be implemented through a three-step process.
Step 1
Register through the “myIDP” site. This is an interactive career planning tool, for graduation students and postdoctoral fellows, offered by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
We believe that myIDP will help trainees to identify the career goals that are right for them and develop a step-by-step plan to reach those goals. The IDP will be the product of a thoughtful analysis of the background, interests and needs of each student.
IDPs will include:
- A mentoring plan that assesses the needs and goals of each student
- Description of short – and long-term career objectives (and an outline of professional development activities needed to reach these goals)
An IDP should be viewed as a dynamic document that is periodically reviewed and updated throughout an individual’s training.
Step 2
The IDP is incorporated into the Advisory Committee review forms and will be discussed at your committee meetings as a dynamic document and reviewed frequently.
Step 3
The Professional Development Committee listed in the column to the right will help facilitate career plan development. The Committee will organize a career panel as part of our annual Research Day event and collect resources for further professional development opportunities available through campus resources. See the Graduate School’s Professional Development listing.
Professional Development Committee
Bo Liu, PhD (Chair)
Donna Peters, PhD
Zsuzsanna Fabry, PhD