Zachary Morris
Credentials: MD, PhD
Position title: Assistant Professor
Phone: 608-263-2603
3131 WIMR-I
1111 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53705
Focus Groups
Cancer Biology
MD, Harvard Medical School
PhD, Harvard University
M.Sc. Oxford University
BA Ripon College
Research Summary
Immunomodulation of the tumor microenvironment with radiation therapy; novel approaches to in situ cancer vaccination
Research Detail
The efforts of my translational research laboratory focus on examining the mechanisms and pre-clinical testing of treatment strategies that combine radiation and molecular-targeted therapeutics to drive anti-tumor immune responses. Our experimental approach is founded on robust in vivo studies in murine tumor models and is augmented by ex vivo and in vitro approaches that include immuno-histopathology, cellular immune function assays, radio-sensitivity assays, flow cytometry, as well as molecular and cellular biology techniques.