Wade Bushman
Credentials: MD, PhD
Position title: Professor
Email: bushman@urology.wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 262-5440
K6/561 CSC
600 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53792
- Lab
- Bushman Lab

Focus Groups
Cancer Biology
Signal Transduction
MD, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
PhD, Brown University, Providence, RI
Research Summary
Hedgehog signaling in prostate development and prostate cancer; role of inflammatory signaling in regenerative-repair, hyperplasia and neoplasia; Role of prostate inflammation in producing prostate obstruction and changes in bladder function
Research Detail
Previous studies in our laboratory have provided evidence for paracrine Hh signaling in normal prostate development and human prostate cancer and shown that Hh signaling can accelerate xenograft tumor growth by a paracrine mechanism. We are now characterizing the target genes of paracrine activation and examining how the stromal phenotype determines the cassette of target genes expressed and the overall effect on epithelial proliferation and tumor growth. Complementary studies are examining the role of autocrine signaling in normal development and cancer.